content warnings

My stories are intended to whisk you away from everyday life. The last thing I want is for my story to make someone uncomfortable. I do my best to include everything that may cause a bad reading experience, but this list is by no means exhaustive. Please take care.

Held by a Monster

abduction, anxiety, assault, blood, death, emotional abuse, hostages, human trafficking, kidnapping, misogyny, murder, physical abuse, PTSD, sexual assault, sexual harassment, trauma followed by intimicy with a stranger, torture, violence.

Created with GIMP

abduction, blood, cults, emotional abuse, hospitals, hostages, kidnapping, PTSD, sexual harassment, torture, brief mention of eyeball popping, violence

titan ebook 2-18-24 sm

blood, bullying (not between main characters), classism, emotional abuse, hospitalization, kidnapping, misogyny, violence

I’m working on adding my entire catalog, but if you have concerns about previous books not yet listed, please reach out.
